Child Study Team

Grades 9 and 12
(A-G & Grade 9 H)
Mrs. Orzek ext. 1671(Grade 12 H & I-Pa)
Mr. Lees ext.1672(Pe-Z) Mrs. Mulligan ext.2673
Ms. Barling ext. 1670

Grades 10 and 11
(A-G) Ms. Walsh ext. 2671(H-Pe) 
Ms. Roy ext 2672(Q-Z) 
Ms. Reale ext. 1673
Mrs. Sutton ext. 2670

Speech Pathologist 
Mrs. Brace ext. 1636

Occupational Therapist
Mrs. Nilsen ext. 5431

Physical Therapist
Mrs. Shannon ext. 5241Out of District Case Manager 

Mrs. Freud ext. 1674